
Narain is the founder & CEO for 360 Degree Interactive, a web services firm based in Chennai, India. This blog is about his personal views on Web 2.0, RoR, Social networking,Digital media, interactive advertising, SaaS, Service Oriented Architecture, India Inc, rural education, Web standards, mobile 2.0 and more.

Saturday, November 27

3 Books that changed my thinking

As a web designer & developer and top of that running a small agency, your time is always shuffled between technology & administration. I need to always look for the next project at the same time, thinking about generating money for salary, office expenses etc.

When I was first introduced to A List Apart it was 2000 and I was with Teleseen software. I dint take much interest at that time, since I was deeply buried myself in Flash & Dreamweaver. After quitting and started my own organization & after 21/2 years I re-entered A List Apart in late 2003. Something hit me very straight. I am doing jobs, which are obsolete.

Taking the cue from Jeffery Zeldman, and 2 months of reading of Eric Meyer and countless blogs which pushed me from the grave I was. I am totally surrendered to Standards compliance. It's not like your hippie way of finding something new and getting towards it, As I grow, the importance of the meaning of life and how every profession in this world is inter-connected slowly appeared from my "knowledgeable" ignorance.

2 months before, my friend Chetan send me the books I have asked for. 3 Books, which literally changed the way I think about the web today.

Designing with Web Standards - Jeffery Zeldman - The "Bible" or "Qur-ran" or "Bhagvat Geetha" of the New Web
Web Standards Solutions - Dan Cederholm - The "how-to" practical guide for Web Standards
Defensive Design for the web - 37 Signals - How to create websites that are defensive in nature but actually makes your customers smile.

After going thru these books, I am rejunevated and has a new framework in my mind about the web. What I thought about the web, in last 2 years has changed literally, not just as a developer, but as a user, after going thru these books. More than development & technical stuff, What I have learned the most is the "bigger" picture of visualizing for the web.

It's been actually a great head start for so many new things to happen. I am happy, I take the first lead in making our agency, a model agency to work & strive towards standards. Although, I am not a leading thinker in that line, I can always proudly say, I took the first step.

May the journey begin for you all!!


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