Golden rules for Designing "Bad User Interfaces"
You quite often hit upon some document which outlines what is best on a particular category and we forgot that after our cup of tea. So at SAP, they don't want this to happen, so they actually did the opposite, by bringing the top 10 Bad User Interfaces. Along with that, my take on providing Bad user interfaces are the following:
1. Never provide user guidanceOn a serious note, SAP's Design guild actually provides a whole lot of useful information for a Web Professional.
Example: If you have a form with a phone no. Field to be filled in by the end user, don't provide him how he needs to fill in his number. Is it XXX-XXX-XXXX / countrycode-state-user no./ no-hyphenated nos only/
2. Never organise your screen
Example: If you have a web page, let the contact page be one end of the site and the contacts in your office in the other side. Let the user explore it. He will spend some more of his time with your site.
3. Build your screen for single browser
Example: Always & Only test with world's leading browser from Seattle and let the other 30% of the users are not required for your organization.
4. Don't provide accessible features
Example: Our application is only for people with a P-4, 2 GAB RAM & 800 GAB HIDE with all the add-owns the motherboard can accommodate. We don't worry about other people, who use alternative ways to access internet.
5. Made by you. Made for you
Let's build the application, which pleases your project manager or your Boss. Clients, why should we bother and customers are those homosepians, unfit to understand the masterpiece you have created.
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