
Narain is the founder & CEO for 360 Degree Interactive, a web services firm based in Chennai, India. This blog is about his personal views on Web 2.0, RoR, Social networking,Digital media, interactive advertising, SaaS, Service Oriented Architecture, India Inc, rural education, Web standards, mobile 2.0 and more.

Thursday, April 21

Search Patterns

It is increasingly tough to move along with the web. Every other day, somewhere a new technique, new technology, a hit song, a controversy is grooming. How do you keep pace with the cosntantly changing search queries? The answer lies in Google & Yahoo itself.

Google has a separate page which talks about search patterns, weekly top 10 queries etc at this place called "Zeitgeist" Yahoo! on the other hand uses "Buzz" to keep track of the search queries. If you are a SEO and would like to analyse the search queries, WordTracker will be an ideal counterpart. WordTracker's review is available at ExcessVoice

Why we need to keep track of the search queries? You got to. Since, that gives you an idea in terms of what people are searching. This is a very valuable matrix for e-commerce stores & etailers, whose businesses squarly centered around what people are intended to buy. This also gives us the idea of the socio, political waves running across the globe.

Keep tracking.


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