Got a new bike
Finally, i landed up with a new bike called TVS Centra, promised to be a 100Kmpl bike. Let's see how is it turning in my hands. Just getting busier day by day with projects & solutions.
Narain is the founder & CEO for 360 Degree Interactive, a web services firm based in Chennai, India. This blog is about his personal views on Web 2.0, RoR, Social networking,Digital media, interactive advertising, SaaS, Service Oriented Architecture, India Inc, rural education, Web standards, mobile 2.0 and more.
Finally, i landed up with a new bike called TVS Centra, promised to be a 100Kmpl bike. Let's see how is it turning in my hands. Just getting busier day by day with projects & solutions.
1 GB from GMAIL and 2GB from Yahoo and i have a 3 free accounts in rediff, which accounts for 3 GB (1GB each) and if i upgrade to pro, then i will get 10 GB... just waiting for the reactions of MSN & Hotmail, if they also provide another 1-2 GB space, then i have a mini HDD online already setup online. Just consider the total, which gets down to roughly around, 6 - 8GB space, and i have the chance of creating more free accounts.
Yahoo! is offering 25 times more storage space from Tuesday with its free e-mail service to counter Google's Gmail threat, reported The Register.
This is a surprise information from Elegant Hack about a new tool or rather service or value addition, whatever the way you consider it. Been a google fan & die-hard user, i always compare google with some of the innovative stuff around in search & search engine solutions.
Months before, i have registered a post on the gods of flash ( there are more semi-gods now...but to me the unshakable god of all time is Robert Penner. This time, let me give you my personal favourite of gods & demi gods of Web standards.
There is an increasing fear among the leading portals that by providing RSS feeds, visitors wont visit their sites and reads news using their offline RSS Feed readers. This is not fully true. There was an article which suggests the opposite. This is a case study done by CNN within their own online network. In fact, RSS feeds considerably increases the site value and also increase the amount of visibility of content for the site. This not only allows for more content offered to the client (content briefs, i would say), interested visitors will always go to the relevant section of the site, with the RSS feed link, for full content. This will also increases the value & benefits for targetted ads. Read the full article over here....RSS Feeds Can Build Web Traffic
If you are like me, who is on a constant search & update of moving towards standard compliant development in Web, this download is a must-have. What's more, this is endorsed by Dave Shea (CSS ZEN GARDEN). This gives you practical tips & information about work flow, reusing of code & logic, project management among others.
Day after tomorrow (today) after watching the movie Day After Tomorrow for the second time, i just browsed thru the net to find out is the threat real. The threat is real indeed. There is an organisation fighting against the Bush government to urge to adhere to the Kyoto protocol.They even have an online petition which any environmental concered people can sign & send it to Bush File your petition here